Yokohama Christ Church

Yokohama Christ Church


Christ Church people

Fr Andrew Dangerfield

Rector of Yokohama Christ Church

I would like to offer a warm and heartfelt welcome to all who visit our website and our Church family on the bluff. Yokohama Christ Church seeks to open her arms to all people, from all walks of life, that together we may discover the place of God in our lives. Although our worship is expressively Anglican in its form and style, nevertheless, we welcome all people who would like to worship with us and even make Christ Church their spiritual home. So whoever you are and wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. I hope that you will join us in sharing the love and grace of God through worship and fellowship.

Fr Daniel Takeuchi

Rector of the Japanese congregation

Japanese website: CLICK HERE


Dennis Stanworth

People's Warden

As the people's warden, I offer a sincere welcome and greetings to all our readers at the same time extending a very warm invitation to you all to join our English speaking worshippers at Yokohama Christ Church. We are a relatively small congregation but one that provides friendship and a family environment. Our church welcomes everyone of all ages young and old and of all faiths. It is a privilege to serve as a warden and I am always happy to respond to enquiries. I hope you enjoy reading our website and hopefully it may provide some interest in joining our church.

Noriko Hasegawa

YCC Liaison team

クライストチャーチ にお越しのみなさまを私たち渉外チームも温かく歓迎いたします。英語を話すクライストチャーチメンバーと聖堂を共有する日本語主体の横浜山手聖公会との間で、連絡および協力支援を行います。クライストチャーチの礼拝はすべて英語ですが、毎週日曜の式の主要部分の和訳を用意しております。英語を話すオープンで和やかな環境を横浜でお探しであれば、横浜クライストチャーチにお越しください。心から歓迎いたします。日本語でのお問い合わせはこちら

Cecily Yuka Ito

YCC Director of Music

Music has an essential role in Anglican worship, and we put great importance on its mission in the liturgy. YCC Music Ministry is working to help everyone who attends the services to sing unto God and share the joy of praising God with music. As well as weekly Sunday Morning Eucharist, we occasionally have some special services featuring choir music like Choral Evensong and the 'Nine Lessons & Carols' service for Christmas. Anyone who is interested in singing in the choir or playing any instrument in the service, please feel free to contact me.