Yokohama Christ Church

Yokohama Christ Church


Wedding enquiries

Getting Married at Yokohama Christ Church (YCC).

The following information is offered as a general guide to those who are interested in an Anglican/Episcopal wedding ceremony in the English language.

For enquiries relating to a ceremony in the Japanese language please contact your local priest.

Please note: Yokohama Christ Church is an english speaking congregation that makes use of the building called Yamate-Sei-Ko-Kai on Yamate-Cho, Yokohama. We do not have a church building of our own.

Because of this, we follow the guidelines of the Japanese Anglican Diocese of Yokohama in relation to weddings in Church.

People interested in an Anglican Wedding:

  • An Anglican/Episcopal Wedding ceremony is open to all members* of Yokohama Christ Church or 山手聖公会. *Members is defined as those who have regularly attended services for a minimum of six months.
  • Also, Church members of another Anglican/Episcopal Parish who provide a letter of recommendation from their Rector or Parish Priest confirming regular attendance and membership of their Parish may apply.
  • We ask couples seeking an Anglican/Episcopal Wedding to attend some preparation meetings with the Rector who will explain the ceremony and the Church's understanding of the Sacrament of Marriage.
  • Please note: we are only able to offer an Anglican/Episcopal Wedding ceremony and couples should arrange their legal Marriage through their local Registry before any Church service takes place.

Matters concerning dates and fees for an Anglican/Episcopal Wedding ceremony will be subject to the availability and guidance of the Japanese Rector & Vestry of Yamate Sei-Ko-Kai.